| PART-1 | PART-2 | PART-3 | PART-4 | PART-5 | |
This primer talks
about why we have wings at all. As the aerodynamicist Jack Moran said, wings
are simply a thrust amplifier. Sure, we could use rockets to get from
point A to point B, but that would be incredibly inefficient as far as fuel usage
goes. Thats where wings come in. They provide a similar ability to defy
gravity, but at a fraction of the fuel usage compared to rockets. Rather than use
directed raw force, wings have a unique characteristic; they generate a force
that is perpendicular to the
direction of movement. Airplanes move horizontally and wings push up
vertically (LIFT). This magic of
physics is simply a result of how air flows over the wings. This tutorial is
about how lift is created, how to estimate it, and how to make it happen. The origin of
lift is very simple: it is the result of having lower air pressure above
the wing than below it. Air cannot impart direct forces on a wing like a
hammer can. Instead, it can only impart forces via two methods: pressure
and friction. Those are the only two methods. I will repeat: lift is the
result of having lower pressure above the wing than the pressure below it.
Pretty simple eh? No doubt, there
are many theories as to what causes the required pressure difference.
That's where people get all bent out of shape. Blame it on Bernoulli? Blame
it on momentum transfer? The devil is in the details... If you enjoyed this small sample of the Airfoil Primer, the complete full series is available as one e-book on Amazon.com...
NOTE: DesignFOIL Standard Edition is on sale right now! Now let's move onto BASIC TERMS & GEOMETRY.... |