| PART-1 | PART-2 | PART-3 | PART-4 | PART-5 | |
How much lift will a wing section produce? Many smart people asked this same question in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. They wanted a simple formula. The main difficulty was that the lift force was not just a function of one thing; it was a function of many things. Here are some of the facts they knew:
With these characteristics in mind, those smart guys stated that lift was proportional to the air density, proportional to the wing area, proportional to the square of the velocity, and was somehow related to the wing cross-section itself. But even after they figured all this out, there still wasn’t an exact formula. For example, they couldn’t say that lift was exactly equal to the product of speed, density, and wing area. The best they could do was say that lift was sort of equal. Kind of equal. But not exactly equal to a combination of all those things. In this situation, engineers often state a problem in outline form using a proportionality symbol called tilda, or "~".
To fix this lack of exactness, they did what any good engineer would do; they used something called a proportionality constant, also sometimes called a coefficient. Generally, these are special numbers used to make our answers agree with what we expect, measure, or predict; especially with natural phenomena where many of the lesser influences are lumped into that single special coefficient. Non-engineers can think of this as a fudge factor. You can represent this coefficient with any letter of your choice; historically we've used the letter C with a little "L" as a subscript: Cl
Stop the presses! You may wonder where the one-half (0.5) came from. That's actually a result of developing the formula using something called dimensional analysis. Trust me on this; it belongs there (I won't talk about it here, but it allows for a shorter version of the formula using a term called Q, or "dynamic pressure.")
Similarly, we can create formulas for the drag force and pitching moment as well. The only real difference is that the pitching moment includes a chord-length:
Of course these coefficients themselves must be a function of something that we can measure. In aeronautical engineering, we make them a function of Angle-Of-Attack, or AOA for short. See Figure 1 for an illustration. After measuring the AOA we can look at a chart like Figure 2 to quickly discover what the coefficients are at our specific angle of attack. Coefficients are great for many reasons. Not only do they make it possible to predict the aerodynamic forces on an untested wing-section, but they also make comparisons between two different airfoils simpler. For example, if our airplane needs a lift coefficient of 0.3 to stay aloft, we can choose the airfoil that produces the least amount of drag at that lift coefficient. And coefficients are fairly robust. You can usually trust that a chart of coefficients will remain unchanged. Except of course for one small problem. To apply the proper coefficients, we must make sure that the original data was captured at the correct Reynolds Number. We’ll talk about that soon, but let's elaborate on these coefficients. ESTIMATING LIFT, DRAG, & PITCHING MOMENT To estimate any of these forces or pitching moments (torques), you need to have real numbers for the coefficient. If we can measure the wing sections' angle-of-attack (FIGURE 1), then we can quickly look up the coefficients from charts similar to those shown in Figure 2. LIFT CALCULATION EXAMPLE Recall the formula for Lift: Are these terms confusing? Let me explain them. Refer to Figure 2. The Cl is called the lift coefficient. It is a function of angle-of-attack and is generally a straight line with a slope of 0.11 per degree (AOA). It peaks at an angle of about 15 degrees and starts to drop after that. That drop-off phenomenon is called STALL. The important thing to remember is that, unless you’re stalled, for every one-degree increase in angle-of-attack, the lift coefficient increases by about 0.11. Oddly enough, the 0.11-per-degree slope stays fairly constant until you include 3D effects (wingtips, etc...). We can add flaps, slats, and other doohicky’s to our infinitely-spanned wing section, but the lift-per-degree slope doesn’t change. Yes, those additional devices will move the line around the chart, but they won’t change the slope. Air density is measured in something strange called slugs. That’s right; slugs. In the metric system, mass is measured in Kilograms. In the English system (foot, inches, pounds, etc…) we use slugs. On the surface of the earth, one slug weighs about 32.2 pounds. Confusing eh? Just know that the density of air at sea level is roughly 0.002377 (double-oh-two-three-seven-seven) slugs per cubic foot. SPEED is the velocity of flight in feet per second. Not miles per hour.
AREA is the area of the wing in square feet as viewed from a birds-eye view above. We call this type of area the planform area.
Let’s put an imaginary symmetric wing-section model in the Ohio State University’s three foot by five foot wind tunnel. It will span the entire width of the test section (wall to wall); that means the span will be 3 feet. Our chord is roughly 2 feet. That gives us a wing area of about 6 square feet.
Ohio State University is at an altitude of roughly 900 feet above sea level so the density today is 0.002315 slugs per cubic foot (I got that from an internet weather website). We turn on the wind tunnel fan and blow air over the model at a speed of 100 feet per second. I forgot to tell you that we used the most common airfoil ever produced: the NACA 0012 symmetrical airfoil section. We’ve manually set the angle-of-attack to zero degrees as shown in Figure 3. With no angle-of-attack, Figure 2 shows that our lift coefficient is roughly zero.
After plugging those values into the Lift Equation, it looks like this:
We have no lift. Your assistant increases the airspeed. Still no lift, but you have noticed an increase in drag force. It looks like we’re going to have to change something other than airspeed to get some lift out of this wing-section. We can do that! Ask your assistant to turn the knob that manually tilts the nose of the wing-section upward (i.e. increases angle-of-attack). After some finagling of the equipment, we note that the wing-section is now rotated upward at 5 degrees angle-of-attack similar to the airfoil in Figure 1. According to the chart in Figure 2, such an angle-of-attack will give us a lift coefficient equal to about 0.55. With that information, our Lift equation now looks like:
LIFT = (0.5) * 0.55 * 0.002315 * 100 * 100 * 6 = 38.2 pounds.
Looking at the Lift Force Meter, we note a reading of about 38 pounds. Success! Using previous aerodynamic data, we were able to predict and reproduce the lift force experienced by our wing-section model inside a wind tunnel.
DRAG CALCULATION EXAMPLE For fun, lets continue to increase the angle-of-attack. The lift force will continue to increase until we reach a special angle called the Stall Angle. Often, this occurs when the angle-of-attack is near 15 degrees. At that point, the air no longer flows smoothly over the wing. The lift force will decline after that, but drag will skyrocket! For the previous example, we used a symmetric airfoil which will not produce lift at zero degrees angle-of-attack. Had we used any other airfoil with camber, we would have produced a lift force, even at zero degrees angle-of-attack. A symmetric airfoil was chosen for simplicity. Let’s put the angle-of-attack back down to the modest 5 degrees where we know the lift force is around 38 pounds. At this condition, how much drag force is being generated?
For drag, we use a similar formula where the Cl is replaced by Cd; however, note that we read the drag coefficient information from a different chart called a Drag Polar. Shown in Figure 4, the Drag Polar illustrates how the drag coefficient varies as a function of the lift coefficient.
Here is the equation for drag:
Since we know that the lift coefficient is roughly 0.55, we can ascertain from the Drag Polar shown in Figure 4 that the drag coefficient is roughly 0.0075. Drag coefficients are always shown with four decimal places. When we talk about Drag Coefficients, we consider the ten-thousandths place to be a single Drag Count. For example, the NACA 0012 airfoil shown in Figure 4 has a drag coefficient of seventy-five Drag Counts at the same time that the lift coefficient is 0.55. Calculating the drag force on our wall-to-wall wing-section model is fairly straight forward. Here are is the calculation:
DRAG = (0.5) * 0.0075 * 0.002315 * 100 * 100 * 6 = 0.5 pounds. If we have a real wing which is not infinitely long, we must add an additional "3D" term to the regular drag coefficient.
Cl is the lift coefficient, Pi is 3.14, e is the Oswald Efficiency Factor (use 0.8) and the ASPECT_RATIO is the wingspan divided by average chord length.
PITCHING MOMENT What about the pitching moment coefficient? The moment is often forgotten by many introductory texts even though it is very important especially for trim drag. For those not familiar with the word “moment”, that is the engineering term for the common word torque. Remember:
As a wing travels along producing lift, it also has a tendency to create a nose-over moment or torque. In other words, the airfoil wants to flip end over end; often called nosing-over. This is not a desired effect. Some airfoils produce a very strong negative (nose-down) moment and some do not. Most tails push down to counteract the airplanes desire to flip nose over (See Figure 5).
History has shown that the (pitching) moment coefficient stays pretty constant when measured about the 25% chord position. Because of this, almost all data about airfoil pitching moments are referenced to the 25% chord position. Engineers call this the “Quarter Chord” location. The equation for moment is similar to the lift and drag equations, but it has the actual chordline length thrown into it:
When a pilot lowers his flaps, both the lift and pitching moment increase greatly; the nose-over-tendency is amplified. “If that’s true,” I’m often asked, “then why does the nose on my Cessna pitch upward when I drop the flaps?”
This strange effect is caused by two things that happen when we lower the flaps on a high-wing Cessna. The nose-over pitching moment increases greatly, but the flapped wing is also deflecting the trailing air at a much more downward angle. The downward flow of air behind the wing is hitting the horizontal stabilizer at a much steeper angle; an "artificial" angle of sorts. This results in a strong downward lift coefficient on the tail, which essentially pushes the horizontal stabilizer down harder than the wing wants to flip nose down. That’s why the nose pitches up when we drop the flaps on some high wing aircraft.